Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thankful for fall!!

J and I took a drive up AF canyon to enjoy the beautiful changing leaves!! I love this time of year, who doesnt. I love the rain one day and sunny skies the next. I love driving down the road and seeing stadium lights and hearing the muffled sounds of the man announcing a football game. I love the excitement of the hunt! in my family we do a great deal of "hunting" not a lot of "shooting" but for sure our share of hunting! I the love the night before scrambling around trying to find enough orange to be legal and loading saddles in the trailer so we can wake up at 3am and ride. I love pulling out the box from the bottom of my closet marked "sweaters". I love pulling out and dusty fall decorations trying so hard to remember where I put them last year. I absolutely love when the top of timp is sprinkled with snow and just below the snow you can see the red leaves on the scrub oak. So much to love and so much to be grateful for this time of year!!!


Rebecca said...

Hooray! I'm so glad your back!! I just about deleted you on my blog cause I thought you were gone forever.... glad I didn't give up on ya ,)

Spencer and Stephanie Randle said...

So I am leaving a comment so you know where to find me! I can't wait to come home and hang out with you.